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Primary care

Good health starts with primary care. We’ll help you get the care you need, when you need it.

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Our doctors specialize in everyday health needs, from regular checkups to caring for you when you’re injured or ill. Your doctor will get to know you, answer your questions and help you reach health care goals that are important to you.

If you ever need more than primary care, your doctor will direct you to the right specialists and services. Your doctor will also work closely with your entire care team and stay on top of all your care.

Primary care services

Our services include:

  • Regular checkups and wellness visits
  • Care for minor illnesses and injuries, like colds and sprained ankles
  • Care for chronic (long-term) health problems, like allergies, diabetes and asthma (a breathing illness)
  • Connections to specialty care and services
  • Help with medications, including refills
  • Lab tests, shots and screenings, like mammograms (a breast X-ray) and colonoscopies (an exam of the large intestine)

The types of primary care vary by location. To search for care near you, use the Go button above.  

Primary care is the gateway to better health

Your primary care doctor can connect you to the right care at the right time.


Chronic condition care

We can help you with long-term health problems, such as allergies, high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes.


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Virtual care

Meet with your doctor using a computer, smartphone or tablet. It’s a safe, simple way to get care wherever you are.


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Connections to specialists

Your primary care doctor will oversee all your care and work with specialists to make sure you get the care you need.


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Specialized care for adults with Medicare

We’re experts in care for adults ages 65+. We serve more than 1.3 million Medicare patients across the country.


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Know where to go for care

Should you go to the ER, urgent care or see your doctor in person? We can help you get the right care at the right time.

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O4 Simple Cards

Personalized care for you and your family

We offer a range of primary care services.

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Family medicine

Our family medicine doctors care for everyone in your household, from newborns to adults.

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Pediatric care

From checkups to urgent care when your child is sick, we can help your child grow and be well.

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Internal medicine

Internal medicine doctors care for adults ages 18+.